EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

EMDR is considered the gold standard when it comes to trauma therapy. The approach is evidence based and used to work with recent or past “event trauma,” developmental trauma, relational trauma, and childhood trauma. It is a body-based approach that uses “bi-lateral” stimulation to “re-process” memories, thoughts, and feelings associated with traumatic events or relationships in a person’s life.

When a person goes through a traumatic event, there are often images and stories that become locked into their “neural-network.” These can often be stories with themes of self-blame, feelings of guilt, or disturbing images that all cause distress.

Using the EMDR approach we “open” the neural network and “re-process” the trauma so that a person can have more neutral, adaptive, or positive thoughts, feelings, and stories that are associated with the experience.

The approach is uses trauma-informed care which means that before we do any reprocessing, a client is given tools and resources on how to manage, cope, and tolerate intense or difficult emotions, thoughts, and memories.

We’d love to share more with you. Connect with one of our EMDR-trained therapist to learn more.


Lower-dose Ketamine Assisted Therapy is combined with EMDR in this novel approach.

Ketamine can often have the effect of “softening” a person’s rigid pain stories. With this hybrid approach we use the medicine’s “softening” effects to make room for new stories, images, meanings, and experiences around what was once a long-held, stuck pain point.

An example: “Anytime I think of that (person, event, loss), I think : ‘It was all my fault’ (Stuck Trauma Story) and I feel so much guilt in my heart and body (Stuck Feeling) and for the rest of the day I’m irritable or on auto-pilot, not present with myself or anyone.”

Post KAP and EMDR Therapy: “Now when I think about (person, event, loss), I think ‘I did everything I possibly could’ (New Story); and I feel more peace and resolve (New Feeling).”

All of our EMDR trained therapists have used this approach in their own healing work and can speak from a place of personal experience. We use this approach with first responders who experience traumatic events regularly and we are contracted to use this approach with clients from the Oakland Fire Departments.