A short play on ego, resilience, love, and trust
Mind to Heart: if they hurt you, we will never let them in, never to hurt you again!
Heart to Mind: hmmm that seems a bit over the top. I get hurt a lot. I'm like a 4 year old, I have ouchies all the time. When someone cuts me off on the road I get hurt–but I bounce back.
Mind to Heart: yes but that is a stranger. If the person who hurts you is someone you've sacrificed a lot for and shared secret moments with, someone who's been given entrance into the extra special part of you Heart...
Heart to Mind: yes but does that mean that they've been injected with the perfection serum too?
Mind:..well..no..I suppose not.
Heart to Mind: and what if they didn't hurt on purpose…if it was a result of ignorance or carelessness, or stress, do I have to take their key and throw it away…even if I don't want to???
Mind to Heart: why yes they must be punished!
Heart to Mind: this doesn't sound like love anymore.
Mind to Heart: are you saying that love includes hurt?
Heart to Mind: of course, that's why its so good! Every time we make it through one more challenging day with forgiveness and friendliness, I get stronger!.. and there is even more love!
Mind to Heart: ok but if the hurt keeps happening and it doesn't grow more love.. can I step in and protect us and get us out of there?
Heart to Mind: yes. If the hurt doesn't grow more love thats when you do what you do best. Pull the chord and get us the heck out of there! We are precious, we deserve growing love with any hurt.
Mind to Heart: I've got you. I'll protect us when there is real danger to you.
Heart to Mind: and ill stay open and let the good love back in, even when it hurts.