Inter-generational Trauma Healing in Ketamine Therapy
Intergenerational trauma can have a tremendous, often unconscious impact on an individual’s mental or physical well being. With the scientific study of epigenetics, we can see the ways in which trauma gets inherited in a family. By exploring our unconscious connection to our lineage a person may gain an understanding of the trans-generational transmissions of trauma-based patterns and identify their behaviors and emotions that hold trans-generational components.
We can call these transmissions “legacy burdens” or “fear letters” as they get sent to us through the lineage and without our conscious knowing that they have unconsciously received. This might be seen as general fear and anxiety on the motherline or addictions on the fatherline. Trauma, fear, anxiety, and depression in the lineage can come from war, immigration (being cut off from the home land), racial/religious oppression, poverty, as well as religious trauma.
The ketamine medicine marries well with healing intergenerational trauma and generational shame. It acts as an empathogen, opening the heart and relaxing logic, so that a person can connect sincerely, emotionally, and heartfully to the pain, the ancestor, or to the trauma of a family member that may not have been incurred in their lifetime but lingers throughout the lineage. A person may use intergenerational trauma healing in ketamine therapy to build compassion where there was shame and connect with the ancestral resources and resiliencies.